July 06, 2023

CFM Updates - June 2023

This month we added 15 new features and 14 enhancements to CFM. We present our highlights of June.

By Maximilian Hagemann

CFM Updates - June 2023

We are continuously upgrading Cloud Fleet Manager, adding new functionality, enhancements and improving the overall usability. With this article, we would like to give you a brief overview of some of the greater edits to the system. For a comprehensive overview of all changes, you can visit the “What’s New” report in Cloud Fleet Manager at any time to see what exactly happened in each of our modules.

New features and enhancements

CFM Charter allows you to draw up contracts in a few steps and automatically create invoices. Easily conduct laytime calculations, forecast earnings from charter agreements and execute post calculations.

  • A new timeline view in the 'Calculations' tab has been added. This feature allows you to conveniently visualize and compare the vessels' calculations with the actual charter contract. Additionally, overlapping contracts are now clearly displayed, providing better visibility and improved contract management.

  • The ‘Index/Split Rate Calculation’ was modified and now allows you to create invoices based on past index rates.

  • A new dedicated permission to access Power BI Reports is now available.

CFM Crewing is your one-stop solution to handle all crew-related tasks centrally and in an intuitive way. From master data management of seafarers, planning the crews on board as well as their relief, the management of working and rest hours of the crew up to managing payrolls, everything can be done in one single solution.

In our latest update, we have implemented a variety of enhancements for crew travel management. Among these improvements, we proudly present a selection that includes but is not limited to:

  • Seamlessly configure and manage crew flight preferences at both the individual seafarer level and in the global settings. With the addition of the new 'Flight Preferences' card in the seafarers' ' Additional Info' section, you can now personalize travel preferences, ensuring a comfortable and tailored experience for each crew member. Conveniently set up and reference flight preferences in the settings' 'Travel' tab for streamlined management. Experience optimized crew flight management with our newly introduced 'Travel' section, offering comprehensive tools to customize and organize travel arrangements with ease.

  • Introducing the integration of C Teleport with CFM Crewing, revolutionising crew travel arrangements for shipping companies. Seamlessly book cost-effective flights within a single platform, streamlining crew travel management and enhancing efficiency for onboard personnel.

  • Enhanced Crew Change API endpoints to include 'CrewChangeNumber' information for improved crew change management.

  • Expanded payroll endpoint functionality with new filter options (e.g., IMO, period, status) for enhanced data retrieval and analysis.

  • Introduced new 'Vessel Type' layer to certificate settings, enabling users to configure required certificate types based on vessel types.

CFM Maintenance allows you to plan your maintenance work centrally, precisely and according to your requirements. It gives you full visibility of your fleet status and lets you regain control over the maintenance jobs of your fleet.

  • Introduced a new feature that allows users to set limits on job rescheduling. You can now define a threshold for the maximum number of times a job can be rescheduled. Once the threshold is reached, jobs cannot be rescheduled further. To provide greater visibility, the dashboard's 'Unconfirmed Rescheduled Jobs' card now displays the number of times each job has been rescheduled.

CFM Offhires and Claims lets you keep accurate records of your vessels’ off-hire periods, charterer claims and related costs. Stay informed about the causes of individual off-hire periods and react swiftly. Automated KPIs and reports make vessel availability clear, demonstrate performance and help you recognise where you need to take action.

  • Implemented a global setting that allows to enforce vessel-side confirmation of off-hire, enhancing operational control and accuracy.

CFM Portal gives all your employees access to one central source of information. Every onshore user has a clear dashboard view of the latest and most important information on staff, departments and ships right at the beginning of the workday. Whether it’s a crew change, expired certificate or staff absence, you can efficiently identify critical incidents and prioritize your response.

  • Implemented global setting for Solitwork integration and report URL configuration, providing seamless access to Solitwork's reports via CFM applications.

CFM Purchase provides you with all sections of the purchasing process at one point in an intelligently structured manner, gives you full control over your budgets and allows your suppliers to work directly with this information. Thanks to an intuitive dashboard that features the most relevant information and upcoming tasks, CFM Purchase always focuses on what is important and streamlines the complete purchasing workflow.

  • A new filter has been added to the 'Plan Delivery' option, providing you with enhanced control and convenience. Additionally, we have implemented sorting improvements for additional packages. Now, these packages are displayed in ascending order based on their order numbers. This enhancement allows for better organization and quicker access
We’re now part of Lloyd's Register.