System requirements
Cloud Fleet Manager
For an optimal experience, we recommend using the latest versions (current and previous major releases) of the browsers listed below.
Important: Using older browser versions can prevent you from accessing Cloud Fleet Manager and some features may not function as expected. Please note that browsers supported on desktop may be different from those supported on mobile. We support the current and previous major releases of the following desktop browsers:
- Microsoft Edge (current and last major revision)
- Chrome (current and last major revision)
- Firefox (current and last major revision)
- Safari (current and last major revision)
On mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, we support the current and previous major releases of the following browsers:
- Safari
- Chrome
- Android
Cloud Ship Manager
These are the minimum system specifications required to run the Cloud Ship Manager, but we recommend higher specifications to ensure proper server and client performance. To get the best experience, always keep your device updated with the latest version of ShipClient.
- Windows 7 / Server 2016
- 1,6GHz CPU
- 10GB free Hard Disk Space
- .NET Framework 4.8
- Windows 10 / Server 2016
- 16GB RAM
- 3,0 GHz CPU
- 20GB free Hard Disk Space, more if sending large amounts of file attachments
- .NET Framework 4.8
The required storage is highly dependent on the usage of Cloud Ship Manager itself and file attachment usage. No additional database or other servers are required. As a minimum, we recommend using 1366 x 768 (for 4:3 aspect ratio monitors) or 1280 x 720 (16:9 aspect ratio monitors) screen resolution. To increase the user experience, we recommend an ideal screen resolution of 1920 x 1080.
Mobile apps
- Android version 8.0 or newer
- iOS version 12.5.5 or newer
CFM Purchase Mobile
- Android version 8.0 or newer
- iOS version 12.5.5 or newer
Crew Portal Mobile
- Android version 4.1 or newer
- iOS version 13.4 or newer
CFM Inspection Report
- Android version 8.0 or newer
- iOS version 13.0 or newer
Inspection Report Windows 10 Version
- Windows 10, Version 1809 or newer
- 2 GB RAM
Cloud Fleet Manager
If you are using a current version of a supported browser and a site feature still doesn't work as expected:
- Determine if your internet browser is current or needs upgrading
- Try using a different browser (in its latest version) as a temporary workaround
Cloud Ship Manager
If you are using a system that meets our minimum requirements:
- Determine if your are running the latest ShipClient version
- Check your firewall settings
- Check your email settings if applicable
- Check if your system meets our free local storage specification
- Check your antivirus program if applicable
Mobile apps
If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and you failed to run one of our mobile apps, please try to
- Find out what operating system you’re currently using and check if your device can run the required operating system
- Update your operating system
If you have an Android device and you failed to run one of our mobile apps, please try to
- Find out what operating system you’re currently using and update it
- Check if your Android device is capable or running the required operating system
Still experiencing issues?
If you've tried these solutions but continue experiencing issues, contact us with the following details:
- An explanation of the issue
- The browsers and versions you've tried (in case of experiencing troubles within a web application)
- The system specs you've tried (in case of experiencing troubles within our ShipClient)
- The mobile device specs you've tried (in case of experiencing troubles within a native mobile application)
- A screenshot of your issue, if possible